Q: Dabloons, WTF?

A: Dabloons are a fictional currency and internet trend on TikTok which started circulating around the social platform in November 2022. The "currency" circulates around the app using photo slideshows containing a cat offering it to the user, as well as cat "merchants" selling fictional food, housing, clothing, etc., which can be bought using the currency using an honor system making the users track their net worth through various methods such as writing on a whiteboard, notebooks, and spreadsheets. It also has its own fictional economy which has counterparts for the IRS and government to control "Dabloon inflation."

Dabloons are based on the historic Spanish Doubloon, best known in modern times as the currency of pirates.

Dabloons.wtf is bringing Dabloons to Web3 and the blockchain in early 2023 with the release of the Dablooniverse.

More info:
TikTok Dabloons - Wikipedia
Find 'dabloons' on TikTok
Find 'dabloon' on TikTok